Monday, October 18, 2010

     This week went by so quickly, I don't know where to start!

     On Tuesday I had a great day with my best friend Danielle. We went to Starbucks for a few hours to work on homework, walked Boston, Christina's dog, and watched a lot of movies. It was so nice to catch up with my best friend! She left last Saturday and I already miss her so much.

     Wednesday and Thursday were busy days to say the least! Cadre is in town this weekend, so we had a lot of errands to run, Jeanne's house to prep, and youth pastors to pick up. It is so worth it. To know we get to encourage youth pastors across America and Canada is a huge thing. It really is making a difference in their lives, and in turn they get to come home and effect the kids in their youth group. I know I wouldn't be in Atlanta if it wasn't for Pastor Mike being in the cadre, so you can say I'm especially grateful for it!

     On Friday we had an incredible chapel where Jeanne talked about "polishing your bronze", and taught us how to really accept what God throws our way. After chapel, I taught my class Creative Art and Design and shared my heart about why creating a set for retreat is so important. I love my class!

     Later that evening I found out where I am going for my missions trip in early February. I am going to NEW YORK!!! A few weeks ago, they sat us down and told us our options, and I knew God was specifically calling me here above anywhere else. I'm very excited to get the chance to go and reach out to the big city of NY! As I mentioned, we are going for 9 days sometime in the first few weeks of February. We don't have all the details yet, but I will post them here as soon as I find out. I do know that we are doing mainly street ministry, i.e. preparing short dramas, stomps, and sharing one on one with people, which is something I love to do. The cost is $500 American for the trip; we will be doing some fundraising here, but I am excited to see the Lord provide my needs in this area. Obviously, being in Atlanta I can't work... but He knows that! Please keep me in your prayers as I prepare for this trip. It still is months away, but I want to get the most out of this trip I can!

     Also on Friday night, all of the Masters Commissions in Atlanta got together for a night of fellowship and worship. There is five different Masters Commissions here, and so it was cool to meet everyone and hear their stories. We even met a Canadian girl!

     Finally, we ended off Friday night and the early hours of Saturday morning by going to IHOP with the second year class, just to hang out and have fun. It's very much needed after being so busy and running in a million directions!

     On Saturday I went into the church and worked on the set for our fall retreat. The theme is YouTube, and so we are making it something along those lines... I don't want to give too much away yet, but I will be posting pictures of the finished product on here soon!

     On Sunday night my "family" and I went to Pastor Jordan's house to hang out with staff. I learned a new game called "Smoke that Bowl" and I will be bringing it back to Canada for sure! It was a great night; I get the privilege to hang out with some incredible people! All in all, it was a great week. If you've made it this far- I hope I haven't bored you yet!


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