Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving break in Celebration, Florida

     For Thanksgiving I got to go home with my friend Lyn to her home in Celebration, Florida, with Marissa. We left early Wednesday morning and got there mid-afternoon, and even though we slept most of the road trip away, we got in and slept another three hours. We took the rest of the day pretty easy: all we did was watch a movie, eat ice cream, and sleep some more! I have never slept so much before, but it just goes to show how busy we are in Masters, and how much sleep we had to catch up on!
     Lyn's family owns this little electric car without sides called a Nev. We took that for a ride around Celebration on Thursday, and I realized how beautiful her town really is. It literally is the little, safe, perfect town from the movies! I cannot wait to come back, and I most likely will for spring break!
     Thursday night we went Black Friday shopping. We left at 11 pm, and the stores opened at 1 am Friday morning. We quickly learned our lesson: never go Black Friday shopping! The traffic was awful, there was no parking for miles around, and there was so many people you could not move around the store. We decided to call it quits and head home to bed! We went shopping later the next day however, and managed to get a few really good deals.
     I went to a highschool football game with Chrissy, had a BBQ with Lyns family, and saw the Snoap of downtown Celebration. Since it does not snow in Florida, they have soap suds squirt from little lamp post-like structures at night, and it resembles snow. All of the little kids go out and play in it, and it really made it feel like Christmas time for me! The rest of the break consisted of sleeping, eating, driving around in Lyns Nev, or walking around Celebration. Although we did not do a lot, I am more than content to be caught up on sleep and refreshed for another three weeks of Masters. I will be home in 2 weeks and 6 days! What a crazy thought.
     Here are some pictures of our Nev ride:

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