Sunday, May 16, 2010

Two Weeks To Go!

     The weeks are going by quicker than ever; in two weeks from today, I will be on a plane headed for Nova Scotia! On Monday night, yes, I did something I had been contemplating all year long... I cut my hair. I put pictures below, but it is quite the change for me! I like it, but at the same time I miss my long hair... saying that, it is just hair. It will grow back!

     On Tuesday... it was my birthday! My family decided to have my birthday on May 11th, before I go home so we could celebrate it together. My Dad baked me a cake, my Papa made me a ton of pictures and signs, and they all blindfolded me, taking me to a park. We played pin the tail on the turtle, we had a pinata, ate cake and just had fun together. Tuesday we also had our first chapel meeting as a class, spending over two hours contemplating ideas, decor, and everything that we want our service to be. It was really cool to see our class speaking up as a whole and trying to make something great. I got to help put together the worship team, and I was so excited to do that since it is something God has really put on my heart this year. We are still in the beginning stages of everything, but I will put pictures up when it happens!

     Thursday and Friday I had one of the most hard projects that I've had to do all year long. As part of my inner city outreach track I am taking, they require us to be "homeless" for a day. More specifically, from 6pm Thursday night to 6pm Friday night. We had to dress and look as if we were homeless, we could not sleep in our beds, eat our own food, shower, brush our teeth, spend any of our own money (unless we beg for it), essentially anything a homeless person does not have access to, we don't either. I will admit, at the beginning of this project, I had a very bad attitude! I did not want to be put out of all the things in my life. Through this project, I learned that being homeless is very frustrating and inconvenient! They have to rely on others for any help they get, usually something that society is hesitant to give. The only thing I had to eat in that time was a donated Coke and french fry! The hardest part was Friday afternoon when they dropped us off at a gas station to beg for money. It was humiliating, but it opened my eyes. I was paired with another guy (for safety reasons) and we only made $2 out of everyone we asked of change. The next time I see a homeless person, I am going to help them in any way I can. As Christians, we are responsible to be Jesus with skin on... to be hope to the hopeless. When will we start, if not now?

     Saturday I got to hang out with my O2 group, Audax. I love those girls so much! As the year is ending, I've had a chance to reflect on the progress our team has made as we've let God use us in their lives. One of my students got a full-ride scholarship to Harvard! It will be hard to say goodbye for the summer, but it comforts me to know I have a cadre of jr. high girls waiting for me at home. It will be so much fun to hang out with them again!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

     I have a lot of exciting things that happened this last week. Last Monday, I found out that I GOT A JOB!!!  I will be working at Rock Church this summer as their "summer student"; helping out with the Sunday School program, vacation Bible school, and around the office. It is a full time position so I will be busy this summer, but I am so excited! It truly is a blessing from God, and I am looking forward to getting started.

     On Tuesday I found out I was chosen to be on the admissions call team, and we have begun meeting every day to recruit students for Masters next year. It really is a cool opportunity to talk to students in the same situation I was in a year ago. This place has changed my life, and its not a stretch to say that it could change theirs, too.

     Wednesday night was O2 night, where as small groups we split up and have our own service for our kids. We talked about the importance of quiet times with God, and I spoke as well as led worship for our group at the end. That night I realized how much I have grown this year; I came in an insecure, fearful girl, and am leaving a confident, fearless girl. Although I am still fighting insecurities, I've realized that I am the only thing holding me back. God will use me only as much as I let him. I won't be silent anymore!

     At the end of the year, every class is responsible to run a chapel. They come up with everything; the theme, worship team, message, and everything that goes along with it. On Thursday, I found out I was chosen to be one of the four leads for our chapel. We mediate the discussions, solve conflicts, set meeting dates and deadlines, and organize our class. It is going to be a lot of work, but I'm excited of the privilege to lead our class!

     Friday and Saturday were great days to hang out with my small group, Audax. We went to Charmaynes dance performance, and the next night a few of my girls slept over. It was great to hang out with them over the weekend!

     Sunday was Mothers Day, and my family went to my Papa's apartment to cook lunch together. Today was our turn to plan a family time; we went to my Dad's favorite restaurant called Bojangles. Then we took them to a lake nearby, were we got out a ton of pool toys we bought and had fun swimming around. I have enjoyed my Masters family a lot this year, and I know being a mom next year will be a great joy for me.

     The countdown is on: in three weeks from today, I will be HOME!

Monday, May 3, 2010

     This past week was a lot of work, but a lot of fun too. From Saturday to Tuesday we worked at the Georgia Dome at a huge Microsoft convention. We acted as greeters and ushers for the various sessions, and it was easy work for what we were paid. Even though we were fed all you can eat catered food, it was easy for some to get bad attitudes. Especially on a 18 hour shift! God really showed me his goodness through the experience. We got paid $14 an hour to raise money for our tuition, so Masters can keep running and charge us more than a thousand dollars less than what our tuition should be. A lot of students couldn't afford this place without these fundraisers, so why are we complaining over them? We should be glad! It's funny how God can change your whole perspective on things.

     Wednesday was our mid-week day off, as we got in late from the fundraiser the night before. Heather and I decided to go to the pool and swim for a few hours, then head to Sonic for half priced drinks. We went to oxygen that night to meet up with our kids, and hung out afterward with a bunch of other girls. One thing I've learned this year is that if you don't take care of yourself, you are no good to anyone. It is so true: you need days off!

     Thursday and Friday were "regular masters days". We had prayer, scripture studies tests, life lessons, lunch, and split off. What was not regular was the fact that Mike Rogers came in town Friday! Mike is a very successful business man on Jeanne's Youth Leaders Coach Board. He came in town to visit and just be around the Masters gang, which we all enjoy so much. We had a session where we could ask him anything, and I have pages of notes from it. Mike loves the rain, and he told us that it always rains when he leaves. Sure enough, its raining today- in the midst of a very sunny few weeks!

     Last night we had a girls only pool party. It was quite the sight! We just had fun, and it was so good for us all to hang out together; these are the memories I will remember. Four weeks from today, I will be moved out and on my way back home... it's crazy to think about!