Sunday, October 25, 2009

Days Gone By

     The Ethos cadre was a huge success. I got to pray with a few of the youth pastors, and they all told me how they were so glad they came, and how what Jeanne had taught them will be remembered for years to come. It was so exciting to see how happy and filled they were! We have a 2nd year cadre, Opus, coming next week. Pastor Mike will be flying in for that one! I'm so excited to see him. To be a part of something that is going to strengthen and help my youth pastor is such a rare opportunity, and I just cannot wait!

     On Wednesday, I found out that I made the worship team! I didn't blog about trying out simply because I wasn't sure if it was really God calling me to try out, or just a silly thought. But I do believe he put me on the team for a reason, and I'm so glad I obeyed him! He has my life in control, and I would be silly to just ignore him and think I can figure things out for myself. I will let you know how it goes, I can't wait to get started!

     On Friday we had a dodgeball game with the entire first year class. There was a black and white team, I was on the black team, and of course we won! It was SO much fun, we all had so much team spirit. I love how close we are as a class already... I can tell the friends I'm making will be for a lifetime. I don't know what else to say but that I love the atmosphere here!

     Today we had church, and we got a chance to serve at the womens fun night tonight. At the end, the hostess played "we are family" and then some women started a conga line! So picture me, singing and dancing to that song, in a conga line full of black women doing the same! I must say it was really fun, and not soon to be forgotten! The women here are so friendly and funny, I love seeing them at church each week. They are like mothers to all the first years, its so sweet!

     I'll leave you with a few pictures: first, Danielle and I before our dodgball game, and second, our dodgeball team. This weekend we have our fall retreat, and then right after the 2nd year cadre; I'll let you know how it goes!

Monday, October 19, 2009

It's Already Been 29 Days!

     Well it has been a really great week! Im trying to remember all that happened, but I am no doubt forgetting half of the stuff already. Thursday I had a small group outing with my group Audax. We went to one of our kid's band concerts, and after went to The Waffle House. I've never been, but it was a great first time, the people there were so friendly and I had a great time with my kids. Then we played dodgeball in the parking lot! On Saturday we went to the church to help do teardown for renovations. I'll admit, cleaning up wallpaper and picking up staples from the carpet is not my favorite thing to do; but I did it with a good heart.

     Yesterday was the church picnic, and so we helped the church set up and tear down. Then I watched a movie with my mom Gabby and we fell asleep we were so tired! Last night we had family night with the staff, we ate lots of food and played smoke that bowl at Pastor Jordan's apartment. If you don't know what that is. I'll teach you, don't worry! It's one of the most fun games ever. Having a family here is so awesome, it is great to have a supportive environment around you!

     Right now Im at Jeannes house; her first year cadre "Ethos" is here for 2 days and I'm on the team to serve them and work on the decor/house. It is so much fun, and the looks on these youth pastors faces is priceless. There is so many surprises in store for them, I cannot wait! They came here at 9 this morning, and we had a red carpet out for them to walk on, and then we cheered as they came in. They totally didn't expect it, but they loved it! Cadre's are so much fun to work on. We get to impact youth pastors from all over America!

     Heres a picture from life lessons, it's the first year sisterhood. I love the girls!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Monday and Tuesday

     The last few days have been amazing! Monday was my day off, the first one in two weeks! I got to sleep in and it was so nice. It was raining pretty hard, but I went to visit my sister Kilah, then went for a run around all the apartments. I got some shopping done with Allie then we came home for apartment night, and went to Target.

     Today we had prayer, scripture studies, and a princess party with the sisterhood. I loved it! For anyone who says "I get along better with guys" you are totally missing out on great friendships with amazing girls. The atmosphere is so encouraging, and yet we are not afraid to call each other out if someone is breaking the standards. We are so there for each other and I'm so thankful!

     Tonight was family night, and we went to Kroger to buy fettucine alfredo, pasta, garlic bread, brownies, pop, and chicken nuggets.. our whole meal was $3 each and we had so many leftovers! After dinner we watched Dennis the Menace as a family.. and then our Poppa told us to go outside. We were all a bit confused, not even our Mom knew what was going on. As we waited outside, our Poppa drove up in his big old van and told us he wanted us to write our dreams, and what we want from this year, on the plastic detailing on the inside of his car. The fact we meant so much to him as a family, that he wanted us to do that, almost made me cry! So we all got a Sharpie and went at it. It looks so cool, I will post some pictures soon! Anyway, that was our family night, and I loved it. :)

     PS: if you want to see more pictures, I have added a bunch to facebook. So check it out! If you don't have facebook, ask my mom for a link. God bless!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Some Pictures

My family: me, my sister Kilah, my mother Gabby, my poppa Josh, my brother Caleb, my brother Michael, and my dad Daniel (there is more 2nd year guys than girls.. so they had to double up on dads!)

My roommates Allie and Heather with me at The Tabernacle!

The Tabernacle, inside and out!

MCATL so far

     Well It honestly feels like I've been living here forever. In the past few weeks, SO much has happened, I have been SO busy, but I finally got an afternoon off and I'm going to update you all! First of all, God has been doing so many things in my life. We have been doing a lot of serving with Operation Blessing, and I'm going to admit that it has been hard to serve willingly all day with them. Gutting houses is not exactly something I love to do! Through prayer, God has really been helping me with my attitude, and to build character by serving willingly. He'll help you with anything if you just ask!

     I got the opportunity to work on the kitchen team for Jeanne's YLC board meeting last Sunday and Monday. It was really fun! Everyone on the board is incredible, and flew in from around the world to be here. Together, they have reached over 155 000 youth in the last 10 years! It felt amazing to be a part of something with such an impact. Now I can't wait until the cadre gets here!

     A lot of people have referred Masters to a "spiritual microwave" and I really think it's true. Since my whole day is dedicated to God, I am learning at a much faster rate than with all the business of everyday life. I love it! One thing God has been showing me is to always obey him, in the big and small things. You aren't just robbing yourself, but possibly other people too! He has really been helping me in this area of my life and I love him for it.

     We started ministry tracks this week, and I am in verbal communications. So far, it's going pretty well, and I am learning a lot about how to be an effective speaker. I've only had two classes, so I'll let you know how it goes!

     We also have accountability parters, also known as Iron Sharpens Iron partners (ISI for short). Mine is this wonderful little Texan girl named Rachelle Christy. We have an ISI lunch every week where we share our hearts and challenge each other to live right, and so far it's been going well. I recommend everyone having one, they totally work!

     This week my family went to Fellinis Pizza, and then to a park which I forget the name of. I'd have to say my favorite part of our family time is driving in my Poppa's van: he is in a screamo band called Bagging Sasquatch and so we listen to that the whole time. Its pretty fun! I love having a family away from home, it's nice to have people to look out for you while I'm away. There's my family, my amazing roomies, my ISI, my small group, and our sisterhood.. Masters really is a family thing! It's so nice to have a bunch of people who is all believing in you and encouraging you to go after your dreams. The environment is so supportive, and I don't know how I'm going to leave these people in May!

     Today was probation day. Basically, you can get probation for anything like passing in something late, or being late for class, or failing room checks. Someone in our apartment left a few dishes in our sink, and we had a surprise room check that day.. so we all got probation! So we got up bright and early and met at the church from 6am to 10am. We were not allowed to talk to anyone, or show any frustration/anger for what we were assigned to do. Failure to meet any rules would result in another probation. There was 36 people at probation today, and we had to fold clothes, stand on one leg on cinderblocks, and wash trailers, windows, and floors. I am going to try to NEVER have probation again! Pastor Jordan told us that this kind of stuff builds character, and I'm beginning to see he is right. Jesus came from heaven to earth to serve us, he was the ultimate servant. When we are serving, we can reflect on our current attitude and then see how closely it reflects Jesus. I will admit, I have a long way to come on this one! But today I did not once grumble or complain, and I am going to try and keep this attitude not just for Master's but the rest of my life! Feel free to remind me of this when I come home. Today I have some scripture studies to do, and verb. com. homework, so I'm off to do that! God bless, remember to keep me in your prayers!